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Sales Training Programme: Advanced

Sales Training Programme: Advanced

Sales Training Programme: Advanced

What used to work in sales doesn’t work anymore.

Getting through to decision makers is getting harder than ever before and buyers are demanding so much more beyond price.

They want to deal with sales professionals who can add value beyond a transactional relationship and this is not just at C-suite level or with business owners.

Marketing now has a greater role to play than ever before in business development.

The sales person of today needs a wider variety of skills and a greater degree of “intelligence” encompassing business, product, industry, emotional and selling.

Shift Control sales training programmes are created on the idea that sales and marketing roles are inextricably linked – to perform well in sales, you need to understand the fundamental marketing objectives.

Our programmes are designed to help sales professionals:
– engage in winning sales conversations with influencers
– develop questioning techniques for deeper discovery with potential buyers
– build meaningful value propositions
– pre-empt objections early in the negotiation
– sell ideas-based and creative solutions
– understand the differing needs of buyers
– focus on value over price  

The top performing sales professionals bring together competencies and confidence to deliver results and our programmes help support and develop sales individuals and teams.

Sales training programmes in Belfast

Sales training programmes in Belfast

Programmes are tailored to suit the individual needs of organisations who are focused on sales growth, strategy and personal development and are as much about behavioural change as they are sales strategy and selling techniques.

We work onsite with CEOs, sales directors and business leaders so as to fully immerse ourselves within the business and to familiarise ourselves with people and their processes and adding value through a better understanding.

To find out more about our Elite Sales Training programmes please email info@shift-control.co.uk


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