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Episode 18: Damian Hughes and the 5 Steps to a Winning Mindset

Episode 18: Damian Hughes and the 5 Steps to a Winning Mindset

Professor Damian Hughes has worked with some of the top teams in the UK, and watched some of the best coaches in the country at work. In his highly acclaimed book, “5 Steps to a Winning Mindset.” Hughes damian hughes
distills the five keys principles that separate the best coaches and teams from the rest: Simplicity, Thinking, EmotionsPractical, Stories….the acronym for STEPS.

In the first of a 2-part Podcast, I chat with Damian about the role of a coach in creating a high performance team, his own work with some of the leading coaches in sport and how his work can be applied to business and beyond.

The book, “5 Steps” is one of my favourite books from the last 12 months and is itself a valuable handbook for all coaches, regardless of whether it’s in business or sport – full of insight, practical tips and useful exercises.

The podcast with Damian is more of the same – enjoy.

On itunes here

And here…


Shift Control is a business growth consultancy based in Belfast and specialising in marketing communications, brand strategy and working with high performance individuals and teams.

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