Podcast – in conversation with The Minnows
This podcast is new territory for me. It takes me away from talking strictly about business growth, sales strategy and marketing and into music.
It’s a recording with Stevie O’Sullivan, digital marketing strategist and drummer with The Minnows, who celebrate 25 years in business with the launch of new recordings. Over the years, I might have seen the band maybe 3 times, the first time was way back upstairs at The Fort in Dungannon and most recently at a recording of Blas Ceol in The Auction Rooms in The Moy.
Keeping one job down can be hard enough for most people and I have a lot of respect for anyone who makes music – of any kind – and keep a day job going at the same time.
It was a real pleasure to catch up with Stevie and I hope you enjoy listening to the podcast (complete with 2 and 1/2 of their new songs) as much as I did recording of it.