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Starting the journey with the destination in mind – how telephone sales training can work for your business

Starting the journey with the destination in mind – how telephone sales training can work for your business

Starting the journey with the destination in mind – how telephone sales training can work for your business

There is no easy route to sales success – hard work, perseverance, open-mindedness are a few of the characteristics required and there are no short cuts.

This is a conversation for sales directors, sales leaders, business owners and those self-contained sales professionals, motivated by money, success or personal development.

We work to a number of sales process models all have which begin with ‘prospecting.’

With the proliferation of technical aids and solutions for sales success it’s important not to lose sight of the fundamentals and prospecting is arguably one of the most important basics to get right – in terms of strategy or executing tactics.

It’s the ugly work. Unglamorous, laborious, head wrecking.

Get your prospecting wrong and you risk wasting time, money, effort and any good will and enthusiasm generated within your team.

Get it right and it’s still only the first step of your sales process.

In a recent podcast with Callum Beecroft AKA the Phonejacker, I was reminded of the potency of telesales in lead generation / sales development.

Over the last few months, I have had some challenging discussions on strategy with clients about tele-marketing / tele-sales.

Aggregating digital channels is not a panacea for good prospecting – decreasing responses from email and a lack of trust in social media has created blue ocean space for good telephone prospecting.

This all depends of course on the type of business and industry sector but if you know who you need to speak to, can get accurate contact details then why would you not consider telephone sales as your main source of lead generation?

Telephone sales is not easy but tell me one other aspect of the sales process that is easy?

Have you considered telephone sales training for your team?

For telephone sales to work, you need good people, working intelligently under constant scrutiny with rehearsed scripts and prepared language.

Good telephone sales is about quality.

Telephone sales training

Telephone sales training

If you can get quantity great, but it’s not a numbers game anymore.

Measurement is still important but make sure the numbers you are measuring add up.

Quality telephone calls will resonate with any decision maker.

Get to the point quick.

Don’t waste anyone’s time – especially yours.


Pre-empt objections.


Create scripts to help uncover problems and explain solutions.


Allow freedom and flexibility rather than focusing on a set script.


This is where telephone sales training can add serious value to your business.

Shift Control offer highly effective telephone sales training programmes and courses for businesses and individuals.

We have refined our process having worked with numerous companies throughout Ireland across a number of industry sectors including, automotive, construction, engineering, finance, leisure, manufacturing, retail to name a few.

Our telephone sales training programmes are designed exclusively to meet the specific needs of your business or your team.

Writing scripts, role playing, call analysis, objection handling, confidence building – covering all aspects of the telephone sales process and sales management.

We are happy to offer a free no-obligation discovery session for your business where we can help diagnose your major problems and road blocks and discuss a roadmap for success.

For more information or to arrange an initial discussion please email info@shift-control.co.uk


#CallumBeecroft #PhoneJacker #salespodcast #leadgeneration #salesdevelopment #sales prospecting


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