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****Sales Training Courses 2017****

****Sales Training Courses 2017****

It’s that time of year when business leaders get together for their annual huddle around the crystal ball and begin the painful process of forecasting for 2017.

An old boss of mine told me years ago that he could account or as much of 87% of all business for the following 12 months.

That’s the importance of customer retention / customer care / customer service right there and regardless of whether you are in B2B or B2C, you ignore your existing customers at your peril.

The challenge is then only getting the remaining 13% and that “little bit more” for 2017.

That’s the fun bit and that’s where Shift Control can help.

Sales training and sales strategy are only small parts of our business growth solution and if, as a business leader, you think that your company needs sales training for 2017, it might be that you need “a little but more” than just sales training.

Sure, knowing your financial targets for next year is a business imperative but understanding your value propositions before you begin your sales journey, is crucial to the success of any sales strategy.

But you know that already, right?

Our sales training programmes are tailored to specifically meet your needs. Our programmes are made to work for you – how it can work any other way, I’m just not sure…

We bring together “sales” and “marketing” together with “brand” thinking to empower your business development teams to think smarter about how they grow “their” business for you.

We focus on “value” and “impact”
value in terms of output, content, engagement and inspiration
impact means influencing immediately the performance of your teams and individuals

Shift Control is a business improvement consultancy specialising in sales strategy, training, management, marketing communications and brand management – sounds like a lot?

If you think that only need “sales training” you’re probably not looking closely enough at the problem – and thats where were can help.

We run bespoke sales training sessions across the island of Ireland – and occasionally in GB and we’d be happy to offer a no-strings “diagnostics session” free of charge.

If that’s something you might be interested in, get in touch via email…info@shift-control.co.uk


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